Voters with Disabilities Fight for Use of Electronic Absentee Voting in Wisconsin and California

Cases in Wisconsin and California regarding voting rights for people with disabilities, especially blind voters, both have hearings coming up on June 24. As the 2024 election approaches, disability rights and pro-voting groups are pushing for…

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As the 2024 election rapidly approaches, democracy is on the docket. We’re tracking nearly 700 lawsuits and paying attention to every movement in the courts, so you don’t have to. Consider supporting Democracy Docket’s work and keeping our content free by becoming a member for $120/year.

Trump-Appointed Panel Pauses Rights Restoration Victory in Tennessee 

A few months after a federal judge blocked Tennessee from wrongfully denying people with past felony convictions of their right to vote, a conservative panel on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has paused the…

State Court Rejects Challenge To Unfair North Carolina Legislative and Congressional Maps

North Carolina judges have rejected voters’ attempt to challenge unfair maps passed by the Republican Legislature after the Republican controlled North Carolina Supreme Court ended the ability to bring partisan gerrymandering claims in the state. 

Arizona Voter Suppression Laws To Remain Blocked 

Provisions of two voter suppression laws will remain blocked after a federal court rejected Republicans’ request to pause a resounding ruling from late February blocking parts of Arizona’s strict proof of citizenship and residency laws. 

Between Yachts and Flags, It’s Time for Supreme Court Accountability

Maya Angelou warned us: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Just how many times do the conservative Supreme Court justices have to show us who they are before we respond…