Can The Voting Rights Act Survive if Individuals Can’t Sue Under Section 2?

The Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held last year that private parties can't sue under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. While the decision is concerning, experts say voters still have other avenues to…

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As the 2024 election rapidly approaches, democracy is on the docket. We’re tracking nearly 700 lawsuits and paying attention to every movement in the courts, so you don’t have to. Consider supporting Democracy Docket’s work and keeping our content free by becoming a member for $120/year.

Washoe County, Nevada Certifies Primary Results After Refusing To Do So Last Week

Washoe County Commissioners voted to certify the recount for primary election races on Tuesday after facing legal action for refusing to do so last week.

Kari Lake Asks Arizona Supreme Court For 2022 Do-Over 

Election-denier Kari Lake is back in court. This time, the Republican U.S. Senate hopeful is once again asking the Arizona Supreme Court for a do-over of her 2022 race. 

Absentee Ballots Won’t Be Thrown Out for Witness Address Variations, Wisconsin Court of Appeals Rules

The Wisconsin Court of Appeals today largely affirmed a lower court’s decision that is expected to significantly reduce the rejection rate of absentee ballots in the state’s upcoming primary and general elections. 

Can Sheriffs Endorse Candidates While in Uniform? This One Thinks He Can

“I think it’s time we put a felon in the White House,” Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said, with a smirk to the camera.