Trump Reveals Plan To Subvert Georgia’s Elections

Like a washed-up Vegas performer, Trump offered his audience what they came for — his greatest hits of hate, lies and bizarre digressions.

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As the 2024 election rapidly approaches, democracy is on the docket. We’re tracking nearly 700 lawsuits and paying attention to every movement in the courts, so you don’t have to. Consider supporting Democracy Docket’s work and keeping our content free by becoming a member for $120/year.

Provisional Ballots Must Have Signature To Count, Pennsylvania High Court Rules

Provisional ballots cast in Pennsylvania elections without a required signature will not be counted, the state Supreme Court ruled.

ACLU of Nevada Sues Nye County Over Nonpartisan Election Observation Policy

The ACLU of Nevada's lawsuit says Nye County Clerk’s Office violated state law for denying one of their nonpartisan staff members access to observe an election.

Undated and Misdated Mail-in Ballots Won’t Be Counted, Per Pennsylvania Supreme Court

In a 4-3 order issued today, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court vacated a Commonwealth Court decision that would have required counties in the battleground state to count mail-in ballots with missing or incorrect handwritten dates on their…

True the Vote, Sheriffs and the Big Grift

The right-wing efforts to recruit sheriffs is a ploy by multiple groups to intimidate people based on a foundation of self-interest and grift.