Michigan Republicans Sue To Overturn the Results of the 2020 Presidential Election

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Friday, Sept. 2, the Macomb County Republican Party, a candidate for Michigan governor, a non-profit organization, voters and a county clerk — who allegedly turned over a vote tabulator to a group espousing unfounded claims of fraud in Michigan’s 2020 election — filed a federal lawsuit challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election in Michigan.

In their complaint, the plaintiffs claim that the electronic voting machines and tabulators used during the 2020 presidential election “were not certified or accredited in accordance with” Michigan election law nor were they “certified by the US Election Assistance Commission.”

Accordingly, the plaintiffs request that the state “rerun the Michigan 2020 presidential election as soon as possible, by way of a special election, with paper ballots only, on a single election day, with the votes being counted by hand, with members of all political parties present to observe, with a public livestream of all vote counting.” 

Among other baseless and outlandish claims, the plaintiffs allege that the 2020 election was conducted in an “unlawful and illegal” manner and should not have been certified because Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) lacked the authority to hold elections under “uncertified” electronic voting machines.

This lawsuit comes nearly two years after a previous federal lawsuit in which Republicans attempted, but ultimately failed, to decertify the results of Michigan’s 2020 presidential election.

Despite President Joe Biden’s decisive 154,000 vote victory in Michigan in 2020, Republicans remain unrelenting in their efforts to challenge this outcome and continue to promulgate conspiracy theories about rampant fraud in the 2020 election in Michigan and other states. 

Read the complaint here.

Learn more about the case here.