State of Nevada

Nevada Redistricting Ballot Initiative Challenge I

Jeng v. Aguilar

Lawsuit filed on behalf of a voter against Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar (D) challenging a redistricting ballot initiative. The ballot initiative, proposed by Fair Maps Nevada PAC, would establish a seven member Independent Redistricting Commission that would draw congressional and legislative districts (as opposed to the Legislature) starting in 2027. The lawsuit alleges that this ballot initiative violates the Nevada Constitution because “it creates a new state body, the Commission, but it raises no new revenue to pay the expenses of that body.” 

The plaintiff also alleges that the ballot initiative’s description is legally deficient because it fails to include the fact that the initiative will result in state spending. Additionally, the plaintiff alleges that the petition does not include a statement explaining that the ballot initiative would result in mid-cycle redistricting and undo the maps drawn by the Legislature. The plaintiffs allege that the ballot initiative violates the Nevada Constitution and Nevada law. 

The plaintiff asks for the court to prohibit the secretary of state from putting the redistricting initiative on the 2024 general election ballot. This case was consolidated with another case with the same name, Jeng v. Aguilar.

On March 6, 2024 the court disqualified the ballot initiative. Fair Maps Nevada appealed to the Nevada Supreme Court.

RESULT: On May 10, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court affirmed the trial court’s decision. The ballot initiative remains disqualified.

Case Documents (TRIAL COURT)


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