Pennsylvania Poll Watcher Challenge
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Philadelphia County Board of Elections
Lawsuit filed on behalf of Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign against the Philadelphia County Board of Elections challenging the alleged absence of poll watchers at satellite election offices (offices where voters may register to vote and apply for mail-in ballots, but are not polling locations). The Trump campaign alleges that it should be permitted to have poll watchers at these locations, arguing that “[t]he absence of poll watchers at polling places where registration and voting are occurring threatens the integrity of the vote in elections and denies voters the constitutional right to free and fair public elections under the United States and Pennsylvania Constitutions.” The court dismissed the complaint, stating that the Trump campaign had no right to send watchers to satellite offices and noting that “[t]he Campaign has been invited by the Board of Elections to tour the satellite offices, but has not yet accepted that invitation. The court suggests that the Campaign do so.” The campaign promptly appealed the decision to the Commonwealth Court, which affirmed the lower court’s decision.
Case Documents (Trial Court)
Case Documents (Appellate court)
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