Court Cases

Learn more about the lawsuits shaping voting rights, redistricting and elections by exploring Democracy Docket’s comprehensive database of cases. Click on any case to find a brief summary of the lawsuit and all relevant filings in the “case documents” section.

State of Illinois

Illinois State House Redistricting Challenge

McCombie v. Illinois State Board of Elections

Lawsuit filed by Illinois House Minority Leader Tony McCombie (R) and five Republican voters against the Illinois State Board of Elections and its eight members challenging the state House map, which the Illinois General Assembly redrew in 2021.


State of Louisiana

Louisiana Census Noncitizen Inclusion Challenge

State of Louisiana v. United States Department of Commerce

Lawsuit filed by the states of Louisiana, Kansas, Ohio and West Virginia against the U.S. Department of Commerce, Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo (D), the U.S. Census Bureau and its director, Robert Santos, challenging the inclusion of noncitizens in the 2020 census.


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