Legislators Introduce Bills To Restore Voting Rights
With the start of the new year, state legislators across the country are reconvening to consider new laws for elections and voting rights.
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With the start of the new year, state legislators across the country are reconvening to consider new laws for elections and voting rights.
Votes are still being counted across the country, but many candidates who denied the results of the 2020 election are coming up short in their races for key positions in election administration in competitive states.
On Feb. 15, a special redistricting panel appointed by the Minnesota Supreme Court released new maps for Minnesota’s legislative and congressional districts.
Recently released census data has prompted a group of voters to sue their home state of Minnesota over unconstitutional congressional and legislative maps.
Minnesota lawyer Susan Shogren Smith was sanctioned $10,000 last Friday after a judge ruled that she had filed five election complaints without the knowledge or consent of the named plaintiffs.
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